Co-Brand With Clyde's!
Clyde's Garden Planner can be Co-Branded and Sold or used as a Promotional Item / Teaching Tool for almost any gardening related organization. Your Organization's Logo and Contact Information, such as street address, web address, phone number, e-mail, Facebook, Twitter etc..... can be printed on the chart. Each time the chart is used, it reminds folks of your group. Clyde’s Chart is now recognized all over the country so that Co-Branding with Clyde increases your likelihood of sales! And this handy chart is much less likely to be discarded as compared to other promotional items: newspaper ads, a customized pen or yearly calendar! See Co-Branding Diagram and Retail Training Video Below, (15 Minutes).
Example of Co-Branded Chart - Your Brand with Clyde’s
Use Co-Branded Charts as:
- An Item to Sell With Seeds
- A way to Greatly Increase Customer Service & Satisfaction
- A Teaching Tool to Assist Customers' Garden Efforts
- A Customer Thank-You Gift...Promotional
- A Promo in Conjunction with Master Gardener Classes, (They love Clyde's Chart)
- A Promotional Handout at the Garden Show
- A Come-on-Down for Spring Open House, (Free Chart for 1st 20 Customers)
- A Promo in the Goodie Bag at Ladies Night Out
- A Premium to Increase Sale Amount, (Free with $50 Purchase)
- A Promotional Item Which Pays For Itself!
Co-Branded Charts are Great for:
- Garden Centers
- Plant Nurseries
- Hardware Stores
- Master Gardener Groups
- Garden Clubs
- Landscaping Firms
- Vegetable Seed Suppliers
- Mail Order Vegetable Seed Packet Companies
- Garden Gift Shops
- On-Line Garden Stores and Blogs